Curious Conversations
Bee Heller and Debbie Martin love all things people and culture. Join them as they lean into their nerdy nature and go on a journey of discovery through the academic research that sits behind the work they do everyday. We hope you learn as much listening to the podcast as they did making it.
Curious Conversations
Significance – why we want to stand out as individuals
Bee Heller & Debbie Martin
Reading and research referenced in this episode on significance:
- Rebel Ideas by Matthew Syed
- Rebel Talent – Why it pays to break the rules at work and in life by Francesca Gino
- Educating Gen Z: why authenticity and connection are key to thriving in an AI-driven world by Lucy Gill-Simmen
- Alone in a Crowd of Sheep: Asymmetric Perceptions of Conformity and Their Roots in an Introspection Illusion by Emily Pronin, Jonah Berger and Sarah Molouki
- 6 Ways to Stand Out From the Crowd by Susan Krauss Whitbourne
- There's a place for everyone (OR: fantastic niches and where to find them) by Adam Mastroianni
- Task significance and meaningful work: A longitudinal study by Blake A. Allan
- 8 Hard Truths You Must Accept to Stand Out at Work by Bruce Tulgan
- Optimal Distinctiveness Theory: A Framework for Social Identity, Social Cognition, and Intergroup Relations by Geoffrey J. Leonardelli, Cynthia L. Pickett and Marilynn B. Brewer
- Optimal Distinctiveness Theory: How to balance inclusion and differentiation in social groups? by Karen Christensen with insights from Geoffrey Leonardelli
- Which Will Get You Further: Fitting In or Standing Out? by Ellene Zimmerman